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Alessandro Tomei

Alessandro Tomei better known as “Sandrino” or “the Italian”, is a CheckMat black belt under the guidance of the great Riccardo “Ricardinho” Vieira.


The Butterfly Guard: Lasso Butterfly – Vol. 2

Abbiamo selezionato gli attacchi da una delle guardie più efficaci che puoi studiare, spiegata nei minimi dettagli questo corso rivoluzionerà per sempre il tuo gioco di guardia.


Guard Passing – Advanced Sweeps – Special Details & Concepts

Are you ready to update your game? Alessandro shares the details and concepts behind his guard game.


The Butterfly Guard: Attacks & Defenses – Vol. 1

We have selected the attacks and defenses from one of the most effective guards you can study, explained in great detail this course will revolutionize your guard game forever.

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