The Guard Game – Lucas Lepri
Discover the lesson of one of the best black belts held during the BJJ Summer Week, Lucas Lepri.Learn the secrets of the guard, the details of the passes and surprise your opponent, as the champions do!!!
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Discover the lesson of one of the best black belts held during the BJJ Summer Week, Lucas Lepri.Learn the secrets of the guard, the details of the passes and surprise your opponent, as the champions do!!!
Learn the fundamental guard passing techniques, how to chain them together, and the concepts that regulate them in this first fundamental volume for anyone interested in deepening their knowledge of this crucial aspect of fighting.
We are at the final chapter of this series of unmissable courses. If you wish to surprise your opponent with triangles from any position or wish to learn defenses, then the third volume is for you. This course was created with the intention of valorising the technical aspect, without ever losing sight of the details […]
Discover all the secrets to close the triangle from any position. In this course, full of details, meticulous frames and super slow motion shots, you will really feel like you are attending a lesson with Luca Anacoreta.
If you want to learn an effective triangle from any position, this is the course for you. This didactic, divided into several volumes, is aimed at all types of practitioners. From the agonist to the amateur. We will analyze every type of aspect: tactical and strategic. With painstaking attention you will discover how to create […]
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